hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Britain now keeps more troops at home, and will rush all its troops home once there is an invasion. Fixed Adamawa not getting New Cameroon if spawned through Goering's revolts. South Africas Black Monday is no longer auto-solved by the Boer War. Armenia is now owned by the Ottoman Empire directly. All the events for terrorism in those states have been removed, and the built-in LaR resistance system is used instead, General descriptions have been added for all of Brazils general roster, Russian generals have been rebalanced and three new generals have been added, Yang Yutings Fengtian/Reorganized National Government of China must now secure control of Manchuria following its formation, The "From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf" focus now grants a core on Jingzhao/Beijing. Re-added Zhang Yunyi and removed Fang Zhimin as generals for the Left Kuomintang. If Bulgaria goes SocDem or MarkLib after the Balkan War, the possibility of an Absolutist or Narrow Socialist coup is now triggered by a separate event, and this is under player control (no more relying on RNG for it to occur). Fixed the Kingdom of France not getting the correct name, upon return to the mainland. Fixed Austria having both a core and claim on Burgenland. Fixed Belgiums Hubert Pierlot portrait getting overwritten by its equivalent portrait from vanilla HoI4. Fixed the Bharatiya Commune being released with the incorrect name. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. Michael I is now localized to Mihai, just as other Romanian kings are localised. Fixed Japan not being able to invite nations to their faction. New England now inherits USAs techs, rather than Canadas. Some Sardinian national spirits will now merge, later on in the national focus tree. Germany will no longer have the Occupation of France penalty for creating a puppet France after beating the Commune of France. Hunan and Liangguang now appear on-map at game start. Fixed Yasin Al Hashimi staying in Turkey and not going to Iraq. The inbuilt State Transfer Tool no longer uses the same hotkey as some in-game functions. Fixed two states missing from being counted as British colonial claims. The Central Asian tags no longer guarantee each other. Added news events for PatAut and NatPop Japan. Slav'sya now plays for all Russian government types. Added some desertion events to the American Civil War to prevent stalling. Fixed Canadas Robert Manion taking over from the king, when Bennett retires. Improvements and Streamlining of flags and names for Anqing and Nanjing cliques after their respective victory. Previously the uprising was exclusive to the colonization decisions (Tang Jiyao/ Sinicization focus). Added a mission for Fengtian during the Shanxi-Qing war, so they are aware when they will declare war on Qing. Added leader descriptions to Georgias Kakutsa Cholokashvili, Evgeni Gegechkori, Mikheil Tsereteli and Grigory Veshapeli. Alash Orda no longer attacks Russia in its civil war. Fixed Chen Jiongming becoming a puppet of Tang Jiyao. Added the ability for NatPop Argentina to claim Paraguay and not release it after a peace deal, with increased starting resistance in Paraguay states. Germany's army tree is no longer tied to specific doctrines. Fixed Socialist Russia still claiming the land it gives to White Ruthenia as part of the secret deal. Decreased the length of Mussolinis leader description, so that it is not cut off. Ma Clique political events now flow more smoothly. Fixed Romania's tree not checking for the correct government. Added advisor descriptions for Joseph Kennedy Sr, Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith and Earl Warren. Fixed the Fate of Puyi event firing when the Left Kuomintang annexes the Zhili-led Republic. The CSA's code now accounts for a SocDem Mexico. Canadian Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham, Field Marshal Edmund Ironside, and General Claude Auchinleck, are now instead included in the roster of the Union of Britain. Fixed some of the annexation scripted effects transferring cores or claims. Fixed Sardinias Aimone di Savoia-Aosta not being retired when appropriate. Fixed some incorrect tooltips on Ottoman national focuses, depending on the incumbent government. Transamur will now drop out of any of Japans wars if they rebel. Fixed Ahmed IV being kept as a leader of some of the parties in republican Turkey. Fixed Scandinavia not getting cores on all of its states. Overhauled the provinces, victory points, supply areas and air zones in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. Fixed Yan Kunrus missing general description in Liangguang. Added a leader description for Serbias Milan Grol. Fixed Paraguay being able to attack Brazil despite not controlling all of the Chaco. Fixed an Anqing event firing multiple times. Streamlined Nepals peace-deal to make it less laggy. If the strikes cancel Canadas decision to attack the CSA, half of Canadas PP is refunded. Updated a couple of Russian event templates to match the starting template. Franz von Bayern is now removed from Germany's general roster when he is crowned king of Scotland. The United Baltic Duchys AI will now deal with its politics more actively. Fixed Gandhi remaining in power in the Dominion of India elections. A crash caused by the UK fleet refurbishment has been fixed. Reduced the maximum size of the Rhenish puppet, and adjusted the annexation events to account for France annexing the west bank of the Rhine. Fixed Switzerland not returning Campione if at war with the owner of Milan. Socialist Persia can now ask naval help from socialist Sweden. Qing can no longer send aid to the Mas in the Northwest conflict, if the former are already involved in the war itself. Reduced the South African Republic army focus AI weights to a more reasonable value. Russia can no longer convert its Balkan enemies into allies, however historically authentic that might sound. Adjusted how South Africa handles the Protectorates with dynamic modifiers. Fixed the Ottomans being released as a puppet with the wrong Sultan. Added Li Jiayu as a general for MarLib/SocCon Sichuan. Two Sicilies and Italy cannot call each other into a war against SRI until and unless theyve lost ground to the SRI, The Greek AI will now hold off on deciding whether to go New Expansionism in its focus tree until after the referendum or after its become a non-democracy. Weihaiwei is now also given back if you ask for the concessions as the Federalists. All American tags will now refrain from justifying on each other. Morocco can now only join the Cairo Pact after the latter has beaten the Ottomans. Fixed Qing returning to Beijing while still fighting Fengtian and Japan. Fixed countries that are spawned by civil wars being automatically embargoed by everyone else. Syndicalist coup can no longer occur in a capitulated Australasia. All Chinese splinters now start with two research slots, and can reach five after unifying China. The child king of Ireland now has a more appropriate portrait for a man in his mid-30s, Irish elections and parties electable have been changed, Added some flavour events to the UoB and Ireland, Overhauled all British Isles annexations and partitions, Russian Britain is no longer possible, goodbye child king of Britain, Bulgaria reconciling with its Balkan neighbours now removes most of the negative opinion modifiers which were applied during the Balkan war, Greek surnames have now been split into male and female versions, Eroding an occupied Italian countrys legitimacy can now only be performed by an enemy Italian country or a non-Italian country which actually occupies one of its states. Should the Japanese Empire collapse, those cores will be removed, and cannot be regained. Fixed NatPop United Baltic Duchy not being able to reintegrate the areas outside of core Germany. is it . Tweaked the timing of MacArthur's Yorktown events. Added descriptions to Sichuanese leaders L Chao and Xiong Kewu. AI Republican Poland is now more likely to align with Austria. Tweaked the names of the Greek political parties. Changed the effect of the Back to the Basics national focus for Shandong, to now improve the stats for all generals, instead of granting NatPop popularity. Updated AI priority for German industrial focuses. Canada now uses the historical red ensign. Fixed the Shan annexation insta-cancelling. Fixed Li Zongren being able to core Korea and all other puppets. Kenya joining the Entente now correctly promotes Philip Euen Mitchell to being its leader, and removes their starting army debuff. Anqing Clique has received code updates and improved behavior, Small rework of the Cuban autentico path, national populists now split off from the mainline authoritarian democrats. Lithuania can now remove full German economic control after as SocLib, and partially if PatAut, even if this was not done before the assasination of the King. Changed the Quebec / Montral states to instead form Quebec / Saguenay. Half of the Kivu Cliques units no longer spawn in New York City then immediately push off for sea, eternally searching for a way to return to a friendly port when there is none to be found. Fixed Azerbaijan joining the Istanbul Pact after the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Fixed puppeted appropriate countries being excluded from the Mitteleuropa Ostwall system. Switzerland has a less punishing ideology drift with the Memory of Geneva national spirit. Fixed some bugs involving Ethiopias railway focuses. Floyd Olson is uniformly referred to as governor in 1936, Combined two national spirits for Mordacqs CSN path, Add resistance to former French colonies when back under NFA control, If National France controls the Aosta Valley, they can decide to give it over to SRD, or keep and integrate it. Reviewed the effects of multiple political advisor traits. Fixed the missing effects of several Manchu Qing national focuses. Fixed the tooltip for the Solidify Control generic decision referring to an earlier implementation. Added other news events for a potential Third Weltkrieg, the unification of Central America, the formation of the Moscow Accord, the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, the shelling of Algiers by the French State, the Insulindian revolution, the Independence of Iceland, the fall of the French Republic, the LKMT/RKMT Yunnan uniting China, the French Republic, Canada and Russia intervening in the Weltkrieg, the Collapse of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and the Mau Mau war. Removed the A New 1066 / 1328 events from Russia, which granted free spawned divisions. Fixed the Left Kuomintang being able to puppet Lianguang, mid-civil war. Fixed Indochinese spawned units being the incorrect template. Fixed the Ottomans declaring on Bulgaria for Thrace, even if the game rule was set otherwise. Removed Fengtians unique Force Attack ability, and granted them the normal one. Fixed two inverted modifiers and a broken national spirit for Brazil. Clarified the requirements for some of Qings advisors. Fixed Cuba not actually sending volunteers to the US. Russia can only offer if they have gone down the Realpolitik path, and Finlands acceptance is dependent on the rulers of their mutual governments. Allies with Germany-in-Exile now must give land in Germany to them in the annexation decision. The conversion of civilian factories to military is no longer instantaneous. Renamed Fengtians Develop the Nine Provinces focus to Develop the Three Northeast Provinces, since said provinces are now displayed on the map via Chinas province GUI. Added Vasily Blyukher as a general for the Russian Socialists. Dutch East Indies and Insulindia can no longer white peace with no border changes. Nerfed the effect of the Trade with Germany national spirit for Bulgaria. Puppeted countries now have their elections disabled by default unless they're democratic. The Khedivate of Egypt now has a red colour like the Ottomans, Leaders and parties across the different USA factions have now been standardized for the most part. Implemented militia units from vanilla HOI4 into the American Civil War. Argentina can now send volunteers to Papal States, via its national focus, more easily. Fixed the Fifth Zhifeng War between the Zhili and the Fengtian Government being referred to as such, if the Zhili have lost power in Qing. Fixed incorrect party popularity bonuses given by a West Indies Federation national focus, and their revolution giving SocDem popularity. Special event for Japans event to send volunteers to Insulindia if they actually sent volunteers already. Rebalanced Russian victory points to reduce the incidence of stalemates. Adaptation of Eastern Front Planes pack for Kaiserreich. Improved the General School modifier for Russia, Added state descriptions for all Ottoman regions. Fixed the country name for syndicalist Tibet. If Qing supported Nanjing, then Lijen will now join the Left Kuomintang, should it still exist. Slightly changed the political power, stability and war support effects in several of the Left Kuomintangs events and national foci. Updated socalist party popularities in South Africa. Reworked the Left Kuomintangs First and Second National Congresses to be less focused on party popularity, as well as other changes. New National Spirit icons for the Union of Britain, Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Fixed American tags being unable to core certain states that remained loyal. Fixed Mittelafrika's non-core manpower having negative values. Implemented an Argentina popularity suggestion. Fixed the AI spamming the Recall Volunteers diplomatic action. National France now gets a claim on Rio de Oro if they attempt to seize it, guaranteeing they get the province on the peace conference should war break out with the CNT-FAI. Tweaked some of the USA/FRA/SOV unit production AI values. Fixed Entente Panama being declared on by socialist Canada, drawing Costa Rica into the war and then joining the Reichspakt, causing an early Reichspakt/Entente War. 2nd: set_ruling_party fascism. Replaced Ukraines Yurii Lapchynsky with Vlas Chubar. Fixed two Persia foci being locked out improperly. Fixed Indochina not getting a core on Stung Treng due to not owning Cambodia. Removed claims on Kiev and Starodub for Polands Commonwealth. Added a Chief of Air Force Pursuit Doctrine trait, which focuses on Air Superiority. The Left Kuomintangs Low Popular Support national spirit will now affect their compliance gain. Fixed Legation Cities adding the wrong version of the Open Door national spirit and streamlined the council effects. Removed the starting weapons stockpile from most countries. Fixed the mismatched triggers for identifying Chinese allies. Increased the infrastructure gain from Austrias Electrifying the Sdbahn national focus. Added a tooltip to Russias Realpolitik national focus, to better explain how it differs from Expansionism. Fixed the Qing event about Anqing /Nanjing losing coming in too late. Fixed the Yunnan focus for attacking German East Asia always bypassing. Clarified the Mittelafrikan / Portuguese Bush War Outcome game rule. Paraguays generals now are more suited to forests than swamps. Fixed Romanian national foci appearing to affect The Great Game when it has already finished. Fixed New England not getting the event marking the end of the American Civil War. Amalgamated sets of game rules for Afghanistan, Argentina, Union of Britain and Commune of France. Mittelafrikas NatPop revolt events no longer fire the collapse before they should. Fixed Armenia remained a vilayet after the defeat of the Ottomans. Fixed the Ottomans defence bonus firing when in a major faction. Shandongs Qu Tongfeng is now a general rather than an admiral. Fixed a missing parent trait for a General in Hunan. Added Elizabeth Dilling, George Schuyler, George W. Christians, Guy Ballard and Wilbur Voliva as advisors to the Union State. Fixed the Romanian decision to start the revolt declaring war too early. Portugal now starts with claims on its colonies. Fixed Confederation SIC not giving Savoy/Nice to a puppet Sardinia. Increased the damage caused by American Civil War desertion events. Fixed missing text on a Don Kuban Union / Russia event. Added names to the United States National Guard divisions. Fixed the Third Internationale potentially not being disbanded when it collapses. Fixed Russia not annexing German land correctly after winning against Germany. Added some new generic generals for Europe and Turkey. Fixed a Puerto Rico focus creating units via incorrect means. Adjusted Liberias content to account for the French Republic controlling the Ivory Coast. Added "Mahutny Boa (Mighty God)", "U Muarach (In the Thickets)", "Vajacki Mar (March of the Warriors)", "Za Sluynu! SocDem Germany will now wait until after the war to grant Poland independence. Changed Tibets default starting flag to the AutDem one. Fixed Austrian-puppet Poland causing the Reichspakt to be renamed to the Donau-Adriabund. Fixed two United States election events firing at the same time. Enabled LIB to go down another pass if the USA loses the civil war. Fixed Shandong not being able to take out loans with the Legation Cities. Fixed Armenia keeping socialist national spirits as a non-socialist puppet. Renamed the German socialist puppet splinters. The Left Kuomintang national focus Pivot Towards Washington is replaced with the Sino-American Pact, where the LKMT can coordinate with a successful Combined Syndicates of America to launch a joint attack on Japan. Added descriptions to Portugals political parties. Fixed Sichuan somehow requesting aid twice from the same country. Fixed a West Indies Federation event not removing equipment from Canada properly. Shanxi will no longer try to join the Federalists after the faction no longer exists. Added a custom map colour for republican Canada. Added decisions for Legation Cities to buy guns from powers on the Council. Fixed the Russian Socialists navy spawning in the wrong province. The Swiss NatPops can no longer return to Haute-Savoie. Overhauled the strategic regions for Central Asia, now split into five regions from the original one. Fixed countries requesting naval advisors from a puppet Japan. Fixed Russias Kirill not becoming Tsar properly. The unit limit formula has been fully reworked - it now uses the countrys total population as a base, and then further modifies that value based on the countrys industrialisation relative to its population. Added some more political power, air experience and navy experience to some Haitian national focus rewards. Fixed the long delay for the Qing / Fengtian events about Anqing winning the League War. Now, if Germany still exists, Austria can appeal to them for intervention at the outset of the chain. Or Tsaritsyn, Antonov and Golovko will now defect as part of the Red Navy's formation, Austria and Poland will now guarantee each other if Karl Albrecht is elected, Players can no longer exploit the MacArthur's deadline event to get war economy faster, Manchu Qing can no longer get 5 research slots. Fixed NatPop puppet Kingdom of Georgia not having a king. Greece and Romania can now end its war with Bulgaria parallel to the Balkan war when it does not join the Belgrade Pact at the same time as Serbia. Fixed the moderate coup in Centroamerica not setting the correct leaders. Added the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau as starting Scharnhorst-class Battleships to Germanys starting navy, instead of them being in the starting production queue, with the Pommern and Braunschweig in the queue now instead, at an increased level of progress. Added ability to continue focus tree for the liberal Ottomans, even when lacking support from enough representatives, at the cost of political power. Fixed a case of an aircraft carrier not being able to be refitted. Added a starting tank company for Liangguang. Improved the accuracy on the Australasian populations. Fixed Belgorod being in the wrong province. YMMV. Adjusted the Franco-Italian border to match the pre-1947 line. Hejaz now gets a wargoal on SAU when seeking Arabian unification.

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