2024 Student handbook An official website of the United States government. Part of the NWC experience is the face-to-face interaction that you will have with your classmates. We have some catching up to do for alumni from 2007 forward, but its now a mission. Mission: To provide competitively selected, highly qualified field-grade Air Force officers and their civilian counterparts an in-depth education in national security policy through assignments to a distinguished civilian institute or placement in a key government agency or department. The online master's in management specialization in air and space strategic studies at University of Maryland Global Campus allows you to gain advanced operations and management skills while helping to boost your career. NWC is an in-resident (in-person) school. The Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center is a rich resource for research. Resident Core . The curriculum emphasizes the joint and interagency perspective. Air Power Copyright 2023 University of Maryland Campus. Phone: 202-685-4344 As the senior Air Force PME school, AWC annually educates about 245 resident students from all US military services, federal agencies, and international fellows from 45 nations. The NSF provides a frank and candid exchange of views on national security matters among NSF attendees, Air War College students, and senior military and civilian leaders. The foremost college for air, space, and cyberspace education and thoughtpreparing the worlds best joint senior leaders. Electronic Warfare The Air University (AU) Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is the focal point for activities related to the enhancement of teaching and learningat AU. } The AWC prepares senior officers to lead at the strategic level across the range of military operations, in joint, interagency, and multinational environments. Click for NWC Alumni Association Welcome Letter, Administrative OfficePhone: (202) 685-3674Email Webmaster, International Students Management Office (ISMO), Requirements for US Civillian Students at Fort McNair, Requirements for US Military Students at Fort McNair, Click for Dean of Students Welcome Letter, Click for Student Spouse's Welcome Letter, https://www.ndu.edu/Students/Incoming-Students/Civilian-Students/, https://www.ndu.edu/Students/Incoming-Students/Military-Students/, Click for NWC Alumni Association Welcome Letter, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. AWC forwards the nominations to the Secretary of the Air Force for his/her approval and his/her personal invitation. Air War College Curriculum Assistance. Air Force Transfer Credit | Webster University They serve as your main points of contact for administration and career issues. Search Home Password access Academic Journals AU Research > Student Papers AULIMP CSAF . SAASS creates warrior-scholars with a superior ability to develop, evaluate, and employ airpower with the complex environment of modern war. Use appropriate management strategies in culturally diverse work environments. The AY24 Academic Calendar is currently in the process of being finalized, when complete it will be posted here and it willinclude important deadlines, holidays and events. Air War College (AWC). International Officer School Click for Student Spouse's Welcome Letter. War (Theory, Causes, Law, Termination) Search Home Password access Academic Journals AU Research > Student Papers AULIMP CSAF Reading . The TLCadvances the AF Continuum of Learning andpromotes an environment that encourages active learning across all of AU. It also offers online and in-person fellowship for active-duty servicemembers and veterans. Online Management Master's Degree | Air & Space Studies | UMGC Naval War College's (NWC) 2019 graduating class participate in a commencement ceremony on Dewey Field in Newport, R.I., June 14. Negotiation The War Department established the Air War College (AWC) in 1946 at what was called Maxwell Field, Alabamanow its Maxwell Air Force Base. A part of the United States Air Force's Air University, AWC emphasizes the employment of air, space, and cyberspace in joint operations. Mission Nuclear Deterrence (Theory, Treaties, Strategy) On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Our graduates moved from the AWC last year into command positions all over the globe, to international agencies, and to prestigious appointmentscontinuing the tradition of AWCgraduate student success. This event is for U.S. "[6], The AWC curriculum focuses on five learning areas of emphasis:[6]. Learn more about how we use cookies by reading ourPrivacy Policy. About Air War College. We have some catching up to do for alumni from 2007 forward, but its now a mission. Additionally, the Air National Guard's Academy of Military Science detachment at OTS commissions about 400 officers annually. The Public Safety Student Association encourages discussions on careers, current events, and topics within the public safety field. var x = document.getElementById("myTopnavb"); For questions/issues with transcripts or other registrar issues, please email au.smd.sissuptline@us.af.mil. Key Tasks The AWC prepares senior officers to lead at the strategic level across the range of military operations, in joint, interagency, and multinational environments. Help . About Us Ask a Librarian . The AWC PME program is accredited for joint professional military education (JPME) phase II as defined for senior level colleges in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 1800.01E, Officer Professional Military Education Policy. The 2024 Student handbook is being updated, please look through the 2023 Student handbook to help familiarize youwith student and academic life at the college. The last section was divided into current/most recent professions. Airman Leadership Schools prepare those in the rank of senior airman to be professional, warfighting Airmen who can supervise and lead Air Force work teams in the employment of air, space and cyberspace power. Operations Other Than War [8], The Air War College's Mission is to: The Air War College (AWC) is the senior Professional Military Education (PME) school of the U.S. Air Force. The AWC resident program class membership includes officers from each US military services, civilian employees of federal government agencies, and officers from the international community. If youre a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center. [1] Headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, its higher headquarters is the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. The scope of the TLC includes all AU faculty and students in any resident, distance-learning or blended-learning courses or programs along with any airmen who may take advantage of our online resources to enhance their lifelong learning. Analyze performances at the individual, group, and organizational levels. function myFunction() { Approximately 150 selectees attend NSF each year. U.S. This includes Airman Leadership Schools, Noncommissioned Officer Academies, the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, and the Air Force First Sergeant Academy. Although they are precluded from attending in residence, CAP senior member officers may complete the AWC curriculum in a traditional classroom setting with U.S. military officers and senior DoD and DAF civilians as part of a year-long on-base seminar program at an active USAF installation, or through distance learning, e.g., individually via the correspondence course option.[7]. Fast track your master's in management with transfer credits from the Air War College in this specialized program for Air Force students. Completion of the Air War College via in-residence, seminar or correspondence/CD-ROM formats, or in-residence completion of an equivalent senior level war college program of another service, or that of a senior level joint institution such as the National War College or the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, is considered a de facto requirement for all lieutenant colonels (O-5) in the U.S. Air Force, to include the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard, to promote to colonel (O-6) and to be competitive for future selection as a general officer. function myFunction() { Congratulations on your selection to attend the National War College. In 2006, the Air War College (AWC) curriculum was certified as a JPME Phase II program by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for AWC classes in Academic Year 2007 and subsequent. Leadership These requirements are for students who enroll in the20222023 academic year. Many of these centers also direct research task forces dedicated to focused research topics for combatant or functional commands, including the Chief of the Air Force. The Air War College online program is part of the eGraduate School at Air University. Approximately 3,000 students attend the in-residence course, with 11,000 enrolled in SOS via distance learning. A team of research professors conducts studies on airpower and national security for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and other senior leaders within the Defense Department. Air War College - Home - Facebook Help Center Military-Specific Program: This program is only available to active-duty military servicemembers and veterans with transfer credits from select military education institutions. } Inbound students should not use the AY23 calendar for AY24 long-range planning. Educate senior military and civilian teammates to serve as critical and strategic thinkers able to serve as national security senior leaders. Noncommissioned and Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academies provide professional military education to noncommissioned officers for positions of greater responsibility by broadening their leadership and supervisory skills and expanding their perspective of the military profession. By submitting this form, you are giving your express written consent without obligation for UMGC to contact you regarding our educational programs and services using e-mail, phone, or text, including automated technology for calls and/or texts to the mobile number(s) provided. US MILITARY: Attend one of the military in-brief days listed below, US CIVILIANS: Attend the Civilian Pre-brief listed below. Military Leaders As you work through the Universitys in-processing, here is some additional College specific information: 2024 Military and Agency/Department Chairs. Emphasis in these programs includes leadership, military doctrine, and air and space power. As joint sponsor of the National War College, the Department of State nominates a foreign service officer with Ambassadorial rank to serve as the Commandant's Deputy and International Affairs Adviser. Educate senior military and civilian teammates to serve as critical and strategic thinkers able to serve as national security senior leaders. AY2022-2023. About Us Ask a . While we work from our end, alums have begun a LinkedIn site to get connected: Evaluate national & international security policy & processes: AWC Student Operations(Resident Program). Call (334) 953-5042 or contact us and let us know how we can assist with your questions and research problems. The college also offers a ten-month non-resident seminar program on select active USAF installations and at the Pentagon which mirrors the same ten-month academic schedule of the resident program. NDU link for civilian personnel in-processing can be found here: Military students will receive requirements from either NDUs Human Resource office or their military service representatives. International Fellows who qualify for entry in the AWC program are enrolled in the AWC senior level PME program and may choose to apply for admission to the Master of Strategic Studies degree program. For more information, contact your academic advisor. Specialization coursework comes from the completion of Air War College and will be added to your UMGC transcript once a review and approval for eligibility has been completed. Eligible senior member lieutenant colonels and above of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the civilian U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, are also entitled to enroll in the Air War College. Squadron Officer School, AU Student Support & Research Guides: Get Started, https://fairchild-mil.libguides.com/AWC_Student_Support. The foremost college for air, space, and cyberspace education and thoughtpreparing the worlds best joint senior leaders. A Library Research Specialist will respond directly to you. School of Advanced Air & Space Studies To provide a unique forum in which experts on various aspects of national and international security may discuss their views with students, faculty, and our NSF attendees. Information Operations (Includes social media) Irregular/Asymmetric/Hybrid Warfare Air University, with headquarters at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, provides the full spectrum of Air Force education, from pre-commissioning to the highest levels of professional military education, including degree-granting and professional continuing education for officers, enlisted members, and civilians throughout their careers. Military Officers. Civil-Military Affairs/Processes (Includes SSTR) The AWC has operated continuously since then except for a six-month period during the Korean conflict. This schedule reflects AY23. reviews. We create strategic officers who can advance innovative thought on national security issues. Get Started Today It also educates Air Force and joint communities on warfighting at the operational and strategic levels through research, wargaming and military education courses. Our alumni go on to take places on the global stage as strategic leaders in military service, in government, education, or business. x.className += " responsive"; USCG CAPT Jason Smith j. About Us Ask a Librarian . The graduating class of 2018 included 323 resident students of the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, federal civilian employees and 103 international students. Students and faculty can work with our AWC librarian to create library guides for topics they will be researching. Special Operations The only thing missing was a directory for faculty! Specific objectives are: To provide an extended opportunity for candid engagement of ideas on future and current Air Force, national and international security issues among the Air War College students, faculty, and invited guests of the Secretary of the Air Force (e.g., the NSF attendees). The War Department established the Air War College (AWC) in 1946 at what was called Maxwell Field, Alabamanow its Maxwell Air Force Base. Resident Core Courses - Air War College Student Support - AUL LibGuides 2) Analyze future technologies critical in the implementation ofstrategic US/coalition warfare capabilities. Its five schools include: the Commanders' Professional Development School; the Air Force Chaplain Corps College; the Defense Financial Management and Comptroller School; the U.S. Air Force Personnel Professional Development School; and the National Security Space Institute. Air War College Students from civilian agencies and departments will receive a link from their Agency/Dept or directly from the NDU Registrars office. The UCSP 615 requirement may be waived if you previously earned a graduate degree from a regionally accredited institution. If you are from an agency or department not listed below, please contact the Dean of Students and we will assign you to a chair. AFROTC commissions about 1,700 officers annually through programs located at 145 detachments at colleges and universities across the country. AU's Air Force Research Institute conducts independent research, outreach, and engagement to enhance national security and assure the effectiveness of the US Air Force. Squadron Officer College is the Air Force's center for company grade officer professional development. Asia, North & East (China, Japan, Koreas, Taiwan) Air University Student Papers. Air Education and Training Command > Air University SOC's Squadron Officer School has an eight-week in-residence course that delivers primary developmental education for captains from U.S. and allied militaries and civilian equivalents. The Community College of the Air Force offers and awards job-related associate in applied science degrees and other academic credentials that enhance mission readiness, contribute to recruiting, assist in retention, and support the career transitions of Air Force enlisted members. All US students are dually enrolled in the AWC senior-level professional military education (PME) program and the Master of Strategic Studies degree program; therefore, they must meet admission requirements for the masters degree. In 1947, we graduated our first class and began the long tradition of creating AWC alumni. The Air War College has educated tens of thousands of officers since it began offering senior professional military education in Academic Year 1947 in residence and then via distance learning. [2] It is one of six war colleges within the U.S. Department of Defense's Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase II Education Program for commissioned officers. Air University Libraryhas assigned a librarian as liaison to AWC. Students and alumni can join the Public Safety Student Association group on CareerQuest. x.className += " responsive"; var x = document.getElementById("myTopnavb"); The graduating class of 2019 included 318 resident students of the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, federal civilian employees and 110 international students. In addition, the library creates guides for research on specific subjects, such asSpace Debris. Eaker College for Professional Development (Cmdr's School, USAF CCC, AFPPDS, DFM&CS, NSSI) If you are having technical problems, email: nwcedtech@ndu.edu. Check their web site for lists ofevents and training:https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/TLC/. You must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher at all times. The Air War College was founded in 1946 by the United States War Department (subsequently merged with the Navy Department to form the Department of Defense) as a U.S. Army Air Forces program at what was then Maxwell Field. While we work from our end, alums have begun a LinkedIn site to get connected:Air War College LinkedIn. Welcome Letters SAASS creates warrior-scholars with a superior ability to develop, evaluate, and employ airpower with the complex environment of modern war. The Global College's Air War College distance learning program is a senior developmental education program. Click for Commandant's Welcome Letter if (x.className === "topnavb") { All students are required to complete the Pre-Attendance Training: National Defense University (NDU) uses Blackboard as its Learning Management System. If you have graduated from the nonresident seminar or correspondence program of Air War College, you may be eligible to transfer 15 graduate credits toward a Master of Science in Management with a specialization in Air and Space Strategic Studies at UMGC. The Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center is a rich resource for research. Nearly 500 students attend the annual 40-week in-residence course, while about 9,000 are enrolled via distance learning. Click for NWC Spouse Information Form. Phone: (334) 953-5190/DSN 493-5190 UMGC is a proud member of the University System of Maryland. Senior professional military education school of the U.S. Air Force, This article is about the United States Air Force unit. Use organizational theory, effectiveness measurement, and systems thinking. The mission of AU's Air Force Institute of Technology, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is to advance airpower for the nation, its partners, and the US Armed Forces by providing relevant defense-focused technical graduate and continuing education, research and consultation.