china lake underground base

When the guard closest to me looked the other way, I reached up and touched one of the air sensors on the front of the aircraft real quick. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States.98. It had an 8mm tape drive in it. Santa Barbara County placed in the thick diatomite strata32. White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication it is unknown by this author. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin 17. [6], The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except its underground. China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Base Guide - 760-939-2909. 35 20 118 4035. He said the military rescued 400 kids that were underground where they were being held until their traffickers received an order (like one would order pizza). NEW MEXICOThe state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of a series of underground bases. THE NAVAL BASE IN THE DESERT. . Over 50,000 Children Rescued by Military, Out of Tunnels Beneath U.s I was hired on as a courier transporting 14-inch analog tapes that recorded data on various aircraft when they were flight testing missiles, bombs, and certain data pods of the era. List of DUMBs by State - Complete List of Military Underground Bases in It goes to Asia. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. When the sled reached the shutdown area it travels into several pools that were filled with water. Straight then answered a question from Holmseth about China Lake. There is an S-2, an S-4, an S-6, an S-66 underground installations. Manzano Mtn, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex, Airforce, 3,000-acre base within the Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected UFO base. There are 120 Deep Underground Military Bases in America, under the big cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and U.S. Army Bases. AT & T maintains an underground facility at Fairview, KS.52. Some people said it was a hoax, but there is an opening for an underground base system that submarines use off the coast of California that was, I believe, caught on a satellite image. China Lake Potential Underground Entrance. The Weapons Survivability Lab is located way far north in a desolate area of China Lake. 2022Recurrent Ventures. It sits 500 underground.49. When it did run, the whole valley knew because the rumble from the rocket sled was amazingly loud and echoed everywhere. This makes repair much easier. 4. Online you can see videos and photos of U.S. AIRFORCE jets or planes SPRAYING CHEMTRAILS and years ago on one YouTube video RUST COLORED CHEMTRAILS, I found out its claimed that is DESICCATED BLOOD. One day we got word that one was heading our direction after a test out on Echo Range and was going to perform a flyby. The glass would then crack and burst open like a banana peel across many many miles. There are 3 saucer bases here.22. So they had to keep up with the weapons systems that were being developed. Mojave Desert - Black Projects And UFOs China Lake NAWS - Naval Facilities Engineering Command And then up in recent times, they have more recent, next-gen type of explosive devices, that when detonated, leave a lot more desirable, almost spherical hole in the rock, that also has almost no radiation.[2], A lot of underground bases are built under Indian reservations. Conspiracy theorists think underground nukes are to blame for These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. I had to decline, but I wish I could have. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, on a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailers each roll into the mine. 21. These development processes often involve blowing things up in spectacular fashion. Boulder, COThe headquarters for EMC, a type of Electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.39. Do you know if they do have these iris-type of metal things that could be used like that, that open and close for air ventilation? This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. Many will react with fear, terror, and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long. Chocolate Mountains, California Tunnels to: Fort Irwin, California. Not too long after I started this position the Gulf War began. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on the military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. I immediately took to fiddling around on the VAX mainframe in my spare time, learning the system and programming various little batch commands to run minor things. I was in Henderson on May 3-4, 1988 on one of my Death . In this map it is listed as NAWS China Lake: THE CHINA LAKE WHISTLEBLOWER. T-pad is the area where surface information is sent for recording from the various range and radar devices located around the range complexes. 6. [20]Its in the zone of silence. [6]They have their own inertial field.[8]. the underground tram system goes under the ocean. The Underground vault was built to meet the needs of a Congress-in-hiding in fact, the hotel is a replica of the White House. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base.81. . Suitland, MD- Classified archives of U.S. Govt. . The vast majority of them are built to be self-contained and to house a certain amount of people, anywhere from 10, 20 to 100 years, and sustain them. WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. The US Government through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corps, FEMA, and the DHS has spent more than 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. 35 20 N., 118 40 W. Trona-35 45.5 N., 117 22.6 W.-several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. This DUMB sits on China Lake's NWC's land, built in the '60s *(Neutralized with primary China Lake facility. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. The evolution of the PC was starting to kick in. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. Northrops facility is near the Tehachapi Mtns. [10]They were later upgraded to egg-shaped shuttles powered by a maglev system, hydraulics system and vacuum system. Construction of the facility, which began in 1959, required 2.5 years and 50,000 tons of concrete. Japanese . Australia, Deception, Deep state, Government, Politics, Technology, Transport, Underground Bunkers, USA, War, In this country during the early 1950s, numerous subterranean bases were built that would allow the president and certain members of his cabinet and congress to survive a nuclear attack. Gaia. The implementation of GPS and coupling it with aircraft INS data was in its infancy at that time and was not considered reliable for precise data recording purposes at the time. Of the missing Milk Carton People that the FBI used to post on milk cartons, some were taken to these underground bases for genetic experimentation, microchipping, psychotronic mind control, and cybernetic implantations for future use as brainwashed soldiers of the NWO. The Message for Humankind. Cosmic Disclosure. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. but other things going down there, as Corey can also relate to of working on different types of devices, such as different types of vehicles, number one, space vehicles; also, the medical stuff I talked to you about in the last episodes, with all the storing of cloned bodies and whatnot. It was just above us and to the right and sounded like the skies opened up with the most amazing Ppfffttaaaaaattt sound as it hurled lead at the Tomahawk. Not only did locals not want this airport built nor was it needed, but everything was done to make sure it was built despite that. Page 303 5. . Often, moving in the dark of night, they wing their way to Nevada where they go through testing at the ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Tonopah Test Range, and yes, Area 51. The problem with this design is that the earths crust goes through various shifts, and one earthquake is enough to disrupt the glass. Quincy, CA, 39 56.2 N 120 56.5 W. saucer base28. INDIANA50. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. UPDATE: The China lake base is packed with horrible mind control projects revolving almost solely around children from infancy to puberty. Possible super huge underground base found!, page 1 - There is only one major motel and a few stores. Before we go on, remember that the China Lake base is close to Edwards and Nellis, both notorious for their underground cities such as the infamous Area 51. From Ontario Airport: Take Interstate 10 East from the airport, then proceed to Interstate 215/ 15 North over the Cajon Pass; exit Highway 395 North stay on Hwy 395 all the way until you reach the Ridgecrest/ China Lake Blvd turnoff.

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