(Unless Its Phase Stalker, to mask the Obvious Secret.). If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. Pity Timer, Statistics & more. The game mode was supposed to be updated with new Hero Powers very commonly, but it looks like Blizzard has dropped those plans. [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Maestra of the Masquerade couldn't find her Death Knight mask. For example if your opponent is forced to use removal on your 0/2 Egg, then its still good for you they wasted resources and you got a 2 mana 4/4. Druid has only one truly viable way to play and its tokens. . Certain way to clear opponents board bar Divine Shields. You usually want to start by curving out with your small ones and keeping the board control, then you usually start outtempoing your opponent thanks to your 2 for 1 plays e.g. Deathrattle Professor Slate Deck in Hearthstone Duels ModeStarting Deck Detail :Carrion Studies x1Nerubian Egg x1Bloated Pyton x1Death Head Cultist x1Devouri. For example, Spirit Jailer now becomes a 1 mana 1/3 that summons a 3/2 AND shuffles Fragments into your deck. Shaman is doing quite well in Duels and it has two most popular options right now Elementals and Murlocs. (Hearthstone Duels) Professor Slate Subscribe for a new video every day! Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (7735 MMR)(Savage Secrets | Stalking Pride) November 7, 2022. Auto-include in a yet powerful HL Hunter seems so scaring for me. Were just doing a stupid little online test. Hearthstone Dueling in Stormwind - 12-Win Duel Decks to Take to Battle Hearthstone Dueling in Stormwind - 12-Win Duel Decks to Take to Battle Published 1 year, 4 months ago by Avalon Rating 3.40/5 (5 Votes) The Duels meta is in the very first stages of development, and there's still lots to explore. This page is updated multiple times a week with the best Duels Decks! Follow us on Twitter to get announced on major changes to Hearthstone Wiki! More like rapid assassinate. clear all Hearthstone Best Duels Decks For Every Class (Current Meta) Take a second to tell us how you feel! Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret - Hearthstone Decks Home Decks Hunter Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret +6 Favorite this Deck Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret Last updated Oct 20, 2020 ( Scholomance Academy) Wild 17 Minions 11 Spells Deck Type: Ranked Deck Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter Crafting Cost: 7100 Dust Needed: ? Even the 3/3 Embercaster itself will deal 12 damage over those extra turns, assuming your opponent doesnt have any way to prevent that. Earth Revenant, Lurker or Fire Elemental, which can clear your opponents board (or at least a part of it) while putting a body on the board. Not worth it. Well, you may be proven wrong, I suppose. Its defentially the most philosophical card Ive seen yet, escpially for someone like hunter. Its a great card to add to the list with early- to mid-run buckets, but I think its just not good enough in a 15-card deck! Rapid fire might come in handy in this expansion, Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List. . There was another game where I was in trouble, but then my opponent played something that made us both draw cards, and then I drew Killmox, so I ended up winning after all. You can have a consistent Taunt curve starting with Turn 2, and then possibly revive a bunch of them with either of NZoths. The available card sets are Classic & Basic, Curse of Naxxramas, One Night in Karazhan, and Scholomance Academy. Now im excited to play Duels! After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck. Blizzard has given him lots and lots of more Hearthstone variants to cover plus ever more frequent updated changes. Here you can find Decks for all ten classes that reached 12 Wins. This card art depicts a unique human appearance of Professor Slate, before he becomes an undead. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! If Tokens arent your thing and you still want to play Druid, I put in a second build Taunt Druid. Trading them off means that minions in your hand (usually also with DS) will become huge. My favorite article. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. For many expansions now players have asked for a new version of Dungeon Run, and we've finally got it sort of. Don't know what exact Deck you should play? Professor Slate is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! The size of the Hearthstone Top Deck staff has not quadrupled or quintupled. When it comes to Rogue using the Nerubian treasure isnt Secret Passage a no-brainer include? Hearthstone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. So does Arcane Shot. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels . With so many things constantly coming to Hearthstone over the last few months weve been really busy. Warrior is probably the strongest Duels class right now and you can get some pretty consistent 12 wins runs using this deck or different variants of it. Seems too OP. Ive already got 12 wins with half the classes, and im struggling with the other half. Mistake in Daemon Hunter desk! Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? After choosing Professor Slate, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Hunter AirHater, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (12442 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter DsorrowYA, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter Ail_hswild, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter Qi8siYA08MDUfLQ (Death Games | Bonecrusher), Hearthstone Duels 11 Win Hunter Dan97730773 (Survival Training | Bonecrusher), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter TeamAmericaHS (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter SpipsHS (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter sensei6_hs (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter rouse_alexander (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter oyaaa (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter memorizeHS (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter ZeddyHS (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter Nikdoog (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter TheCantelope (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 7 Win Hunter igna77HS (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Hearthstone Duels 9 Win Hunter ferradest (Survival Training | Slates Syringe), Mercenaries Shadow Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Mercenaries Control Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Renathal Abyssal Curse Warlock #50 Legend glormagic (Score: 22-10). Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Hero Power. Ideally, you want to get a Fireshaper passive, which will add a lot of damage to your combos. It is here!!!! Is this card good? I have no idea of Explosive trap works, but if it does, than its ridiculous, but we can also predict. Mage is just annoying and big. The deck is capable of doing tons of damage, and also drawing it quite easily. The second deck is from the last expansion (again, I havent seen an updated version) and it relies on Battlecries you really want to get the some Battlecry-related passive (doubling them or making them cheaper). coining out Egg on T1 and then dropping Deathstrider on T2 can mean an instant game win later into the run. If you stick some board, going for a big Gentle Megasaur can mean make over. I dont think summoning spells work, becuase if that was the case, then we would just turn of our brains off for Unleashed the Hounds anytime a threat is on board. StarCraft II WCS. . Thanks to the Hero Power combined with Rockbiter & Stormstrike, the deck also packs a nice punch to finish the matches. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (5905 MMR)(Survival Training | Stalking Pride) March 15, 2022. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. Here you can find Decks for all ten classes that reached 12 Wins. Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! A bunch of Hunter secrets and no Mad Scientist? Players start with 20 health each on the first duel, so be careful! Triggering them one extra time is already a big deal, and it just gets better as the game goes by. I dont know about you, but having two one-mana Assassinates sounds pretty good to me. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Then, theres Joras Thuldoom providing an addition win condition, especially against decks with no board clear. Come watch me get more wizard duel runs like this one: https://t.co/SnfhLxOK6P pic.twitter.com/1Q8KsyqIuV, The author didnt add any Information to his profile yet. Rapid Fire looks pretty decent with this. Click on the class you want to get to the decks more quickly! Professor Slate is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! Sadly, this one is from last expansion, but we couldnt find an up-to-date version. Slate with on the hunt. Hey, and welcome to this Duels Decks Page for Hearthstone. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Hunter is whatever. . maybe), and you can't really tech for it in duels. The best thing about Deathstrider is that you can trigger the same Deathrattle multiple times, so e.g. And if you want, even a Pressure Plate. so basically 5 mana remove to big threats! Even Something like Tempo or Face Hunter? Hearthstone Battlegrounds has been a major hitit might even already be a bigger deal than the main game itself in terms of playtimeand so the promise of another new mode is definitely exciting. For example, Expendable Performers + Treasure often becomes a board clear and 10+ burst damage. Face Hunter - #94 Legend (Thanh) - March of the Lich King. Its kind of irrelevant after the last update. Hopefully theyll show some actual hunter cards that work well with this. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Sometimes you can also revive it [Joras Thuldoom] with Rally!. A comprehensive guide. In this article, weve compiled some of the strongest Duels decks for each class. it already gets deactivated by Demonizer and will definitely get killed by a subsequent 4 drop getting picked up later. With the right curve, you should be able to nicely outtempo your opponent. Had some sort of glitch occur between games and I'm now locked out: I'm asked to build a deck in the middle of a run, but the 'build screen' only gives me a 'back' option. Oh, and Demon Hunter so far is just Token after Spamming Priestess of Furies after throwing their cards in front of your face. they play much like Rouge, but they like going for the face more. To make a long story short followed by 7 paragraphs! And I even Scenarios where Now Im even starting to see Veranus as your plan B type of Idea; But then your problem could be predictive of you dont have otheranswers after Veranus, once Slate Dies. This card art depicts a unique human appearance of Professor Slate, before he becomes an undead. There are several hero powers that benefit from killing it (mage, warrior, demon hunter). Sadly, if you dont encounter aggressive decks, you can run into builds that outvalue you or win through other ways, and defensive Taunt minions arent best at putting pressure. Paladin should be fine to fight. Help Sign In. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels Duels Tips & Tricks Guide Duels Cards Duels Heroes Yeah Im wondering if it would actually give the hounds poisonous, that would be insane. I think its a really Solid card if you can draw him out. Giving you an easy way to pop off taunts or similar stuff that would interfere. Follow Us On Twitter . If you play just two copies of a card (e.g. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. And so do you think that even faster Cards can just grab Proffessor Slate and Rapid Fires and theyre just good to go? Warlock is much like Druid; they like going, Fast, big or both | Sr. Thanks to its Hero Power, its hard to run out of value, so you will usually win the long game. So lets stick to Highlander Hunter discovering an Arcane Explosion. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels Duels Tips & Tricks Guide Duels Cards Duels Heroes Duels Hero Powers Battlegrounds Cards Battlegrounds Deckbuilder Battlegrounds Minions Battlegrounds Heroes Battlegrounds Hero Powers Collections Complete Guide to Card Backs A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Other than that, you play it like a regular Token Druid you want to create a big board presence, then throw in some AoE buffs and hopefully finish the game with attack boosters, such as Savage Roar or Arbor Up (which is excellent even if you dont finish your opponent with it). The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Home Duels Decks (Duels) Hunter Professor Slate Page 4. Making every spell in your hand a removal not only will give you a big advantage, but can even be preety snowbally, since constantly removing the enemys board will make it harder for him to remove Professor Slate. Sounds good enough. Instead of the usual routine of facing AI bosses, in Duels players will get to experience a Dungeon Run-style gameplay against other players. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Hunter Professor Slate. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. Despite this, he appears to have Turalyon's respect, implying he is competant at as a professor. Instead, you could just run 1 or 2 mediocre cards that will be turned insane by Professor Slate. Do it by bouncing it back to your hand and replaying or getting extra copies of it with Nobleman/Zola. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. Once you do that, closing out the game becomes pretty easy thanks to Ignite. You are right, I think they should further nerf the combo. How do card packs work in Hearthstone? Bans in Hearthstone instead of Nerfs: A good decision? Id say at least Highlander Hunter would give this card a chance. It can disrupt your opponents game plan many of the Duels Signature Treasures come in form of a minion, and eating it gives you a huge advantage. When you play this deck, your opponents biggest minion will always be 2x 2/2 if you choose to, and thats way easier to clear than e.g. It looks to win games by simply outvaluing the opponent. Embrace the Shadows is also a strong tool, since it lets you play your cheap healing cards as burn damage Desperate Prayer and Flash Heal both become 6 burn damage each (5 + 1 from HP), this 3 cards, 3 mana combo is 13 damage in total. Druid; you know hes either going, fast, big, or both. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Hunter AirHater, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter itLessThanThree, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (12442 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter mapdreis, Mercenaries Shadow Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Mercenaries Control Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Renathal Abyssal Curse Warlock #50 Legend glormagic (Score: 22-10), Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more, How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone?
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