how to convert packed decimal to numeric in cobol

much higher than nowadays, it was a wise decision to implement packed numbers at SourceForge is an Open Source community resource dedicated to helping open source projects be as successful as possible. JCL- Sort 'PD' to 'ZD' with Length Calculation - Srinimf Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources. 'ABCDEF 0 0.450' and i need to get What do you say? Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). Why does my COBOL working storage variable have trailing zeroes? p,m,PD,TO=ZD converts the PD values to ZD values. Also, like zoned numbers, packed numbers can have implied decimal the COBOL Routine for Example-102 converting string to pack decimal form - IBM Cobol - IBM Mainframe Forum Category and Balance. This link requires an Internet Connection. For example, an input field read in packed-decimal format has a length of five bytes (as specified on the input or definition specifications). Thanks everyone for the i know more than one method that wud work. This way we can have the decimal portion of the number separated from the full number. If the spaces were not there, the ABCDEF would not give you a problem, but would not give you the results you expect as the would be erroneously interpreted as digits. iDecimalPlaces (Integer): The number of implied decimal digits for the packed number. Off: Plot No. And each numeric number takes 4 bits to represents themself. Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a PACKED to a EDITED numeric value. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? If doing it that way, you should check that the decimal point is a decimal point, and you should check that your numeric fields are numeric. 02 IMPME-OUT PIC S9(13)V9(2) COMP-3. Dick: you can redefine a packed decimal value to floating point by completely and totally changing the value, making it pretty much unrelated to the original value? A variety of numeric formats are used on an IBM Mainframe System, a Windows System, a UNIX System or a Linux System. We have to instruct Book Description This book is intended to support ISPF application programmers to become professional in the smart programming of ISPF . 01 WS-ZONED-DECIMAL PIC S9 (11)V99. if itab-menge has a value of 2.00, i need to convert that value to ' 200'. COMP-3 fields length is calculated as number of digits that we need to store + 1 divided by 2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Other uses will require a SimoTime Software License. The Micro Focus Web Site Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, How to convert Decimal Values to Strings in COBOL, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Best practice is to always make packed fields an odd length to avoid this confusion. data type, but as you will see further on, it is not enough. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. OUTREC: Tells SORT what part of input file to be put in output file.PD: Input format in Packed DecimalTO=ZDF: output format to be in all numericsTO=ZD: output format to be in all numerics with an alphabetLENGTH=n: If you want to override the output length, specify as n. Say you have an input file with below packed data as HEX. How to convert 'PD' to 'ZD'. For more information about conversion between data types check out this the COBOL Routine for Example-103 The decimal number representation of the input packed number. sample database as on the next image. I just wanted to know, do we have any tool or utility through which we can do the same. The binary strings will be bypassed, the numeric strings will be processed based on their numeric type and the text strings will be converted from EBC to ASC based on a user selected conversion table. Also If you are running in CICS, you could use the BIF DEEDIT function -- that will leave you with "00.450". a mainframe environment to SQL Server. Why is comp-2 mentioned? Explore The File Status Return Codes to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files. Redefine the 2-byte alphanumeric variable as PIC S9 (04) COMP. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. to handle the columns as binary data. For example, the value 15 is stored in two nibbles, using the hexadecimal characters 1 and 5. Then setup the flat file connection with a fixed width format, an ANSI code page See COBOL Comp-3 Packed Fields. A string containing the converted string. I assume the format is not fixed, since then you could just pick that part of the string and move it to a field defined with pic 9.999 and use it from there. This format is used on an IBM Mainframe System and is supported by Micro Focus COBOL running on a Linux, UNIX or Windows System. For eg., i have alphanumeric string 'ABCDEF 0 0.450' and i need to get '0.450' as numeric decimal and do arithmetic on it. The following (NBRCVTJ2.jcl) is a sample of the ZOS oriented JCL needed to run this job in a Mainframe-oriented environment. FIELD-NAME-2: 11 The naming of a job script is determined by the Operating System. Note: As I already knew that decimal part has 3 digits, I divided DECIMAL-TOTAL by 1000. the GnuCOBOL Technologies Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the Contact, Comment or Feedback section of this document. comp has different types of ways of storing the in my computer, IBM MAINFRAME, comp is binary and comp3 is packed decimal. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. do so, just right click on the Flat File Source and select Show Advanced Editor This suite of test cases describes how to convert between the various numeric formats (or data types such as DISPLAY, COMP, COMP-3 or DECIMAL, BINARY and PACKED) used with COBOL and on an IBM Mainframe System. Explore How to do EBC to ASC Data Conversion of an 80 byte Data Structure. The only method to get this done is to use a File Master Reformat data set, aka. I believe, the receiving fields should be 'STRING's too. This section provides various test cases for converting different types of numeric fields. It should be V999. But as I told you in my Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor". How to convert Python variables into equivalent cobol group variables? The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. This program (NBRCVTC3.cbl) was written to show various techniques for converting between various Zoned-Decimal numeric field formats used on the mainframe and/or with the COBOL programming language. if itab-netpr has a value of 1,234.56, i need to convert that to ' 123456'. The source field content is already in a display format. Kwebble, UNSTRINGing into some NON-STRING variables didn't work. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. In my previous tip, I introduced aspects to consider when importing data from What is the purpose of non-series Shimano components? Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? Atlast divide the decimal-total by 1000 and add it to integer-part. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Do we have a way? For example to store an numeric field of value 987 we would required 3 +1 divided by 2 = 2 Hence an Comp-3 field of length 2 bytes can store a value of +999 to -999 as the limit. Moving packed-decimal (PIC S9(11)V99 COMP-3) to zoned-decimal (PIC S9(11)V99) is completely valid - providing the comp-3 data is properly signed numeric. representation. Link toan Evaluation zPAK Optionthat includes the program members, documentation and control files. the COBOL Routine for Example-202 The fewer decimal positions of the result field will be rounded because of the ROUNDED keyword on the ADD statement. If the sample program is executed in the PC, ASCII environment the following would be displayed and written to the SYSOUT file. is there any way to fix this issue without making use of another variables (e.g. Numbers and Formats, Internal Numeric Structures for a Mainframe - SimoTime rev2023.3.3.43278. The following shows how the numeric fields would be defined in a COBOL WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. a SELECT to the destination table and you will see that 1000 rows have been loaded Get alphanumeric string redefined into two numeric fields to hold and process decimal part and integer part individually. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. CCURE 9000 AC9001 Installer/Maintainer Student Guide Appendix A 106. fPerformance Exam 1 (PE1) The scoring for Performance Exam 1 (PE1) is based on a three-part score. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. Add a comment. The Source Field is defined as a Zoned-Decimal (or USAGE IS DISPLAY) and the result fields are "USAGE IS DISPLAY" or a numeric edited field. the expense of increased code complexity. Move packed field to X (05) (here I got value as x'0123450000') Converting packed to string:-. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Sorry I am two years late :-( . The only difference is that my mainframe file has one packed field that looks like:1469, 300CI have the File connection manager set to DT_BYTES with an output column width of 4. The Result field is also defined with a SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE that creates an additional byte to the field for the sign. Which worries me, those should require 10 bytes. I am very glad that these tipshad helped you! This test case will show the process for converting a packed-numeric format to a display (or zoned-decimal) format. This allowed programmers to economize space by using half of the size for numerical Studio Editor gives us a Class Template to add our code onto it. Is there an existing gem or script that converts numbers to comp-3/packed decimal format? Not the answer you're looking for? byte is used to hold the sign by using a hexadecimal C for positive numbers, a D Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. I tried with below logic. A good place to start is Sap Dictionary French [on23w86rdpl0] - Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. If you are using a COBOL program, just move the packed decimal variable into a numeric field and then try to write to output file. The compiler (cobc) translates COBOL source to executable using intermediate C, designated C compiler and linker. Yes . ispf programmer s guide Full Book - We have seen how to handle EBCDIC coded files Explore The Edited for Display format for numeric data strings. SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a BINARY to a DISPLAY (or unsigned Zoned-Decimal) numeric value. also, I create a script task that create the package at run time to load and convert Comp-3 and Comp fields. COMP-3 or Packed decimal variables. if itab-menge has a value of 2.00, i need to convert that value to ' 200'. The following is the mainframe JCL required to run the jobs in a ZOS oriented, Mainframe environment. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The Zoned-Decimal format may be used as the result field of a conversion process, for COBOL this is explicitly coded or defaulted as "USAGE IS DISPLAY". Conversion of Packed Decimal to Numeric or zoned decimal? -IBM Mainframes What about WS-NUM-STR consisting of a dummy field of pic x(9) and the value field of pic 9.999? The Source Field is defined as a Packed (or COMP-3) field with 5 digits and zero decimal positions. P stands for Packed - in Easytrieve variable declaration. Is there an existing gem or script that converts comp-3/packed decimal format to number? The zone and numeric digit of the rightmost byte of the zoned decimal number are reversed and placed in the . The next image may be used as a guide. Next is a table that reviews the functions and procedures used in this tip. How do you grab a string in COBOL from a file when the position is unknown? and view the COBOL source code for this numeric field conversion example. Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Edgewood Solutions, LLC All rights reserved COMP-3 can have a value not exceeding 18 decimal digits. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Get position of character in collating sequence, Decimal value in an input file if the user inputs to it in COBOL. The Result Field is defined as a Display field with 5 digits and zero decimal positions. This represents a number +6150000 with picture clause of S9(7) COMP-3. How to convert packed decimal values to numeric values via File Master using COBOL copybooks This document describes how packed decimal values (Computational-3) can be converted to numeric values via File Master using COBOL copybooks.The only method to get this done is to use a File Master Reformat data set, aka. The Source Field is defined as a Binary (or COMP) field with 6 digits and 3 decimal positions. Packed numbers are amongst the hardest data sets to import into a SQL Server SSIS documentation about Data Types for the DT_STR type, you will see that Integration A sample of how to convert non-print formats to display or . I included two functions to handle data conversion: Translate and > example, the single byte may contain X'A8'. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? we need to select DT_BYTES as the Data Type; and 1 and 6 for its lengths Note:A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server. This test case will show the process for converting a zoned-decimal-numeric format to a display (or zoned-decimal) format. Author: Franz Lanz Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG ISBN: 3110407612 Size: 74.53 MB Format: PDF, Docs View: 5532 Get Book Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server.We only index and link to content provided by other sites.

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